A big thank you to all who signed up to volunteer last weekend! We are so grateful for your support as we kick off this exciting journey. Coordinators for each role have started reaching out to volunteers using the contact methods provided on the volunteer cards. Click here for more information!
We begin our campaign journey by asking our parishioners to volunteer and get involved. Learn about the various volunteer roles and how you can make a difference. Click here to read more.
Our Improv Class is starting back up! This class will be held on Tuesdays from 6-7:30pm in the Sts. James and Matthew classrooms. We will start again on February 11th! For more information, contact Scott Miles at [email protected].
The St. Francis of Assisi Knights of Columbus are hosting their annual super bowl board fundraiser the weekends of Jan 18/19 and 25/26.
Click here to learn more!
Beginning November 30, visit the Angel Tree in the narthex to support a local child in need this Christmas. Each tag on the tree represents the Christmas wish of a child from our community, including their age and gender. Parishioners are invited to take a tag, purchase and wrap a gift accordingly, and return it to the parish office by December 15. To ensure each gift reaches the correct child, please make sure the tag from the Angel Tree is securely attached to the wrapped present. Thank you for helping us spread the love and joy of the season to those in need!
The CCW invites all women of the parish to their Potluck Christmas Party and Ornament Exchange! The party will be Thursday, December 5th at 6pm in the St. Simon classroom. Please bring a dish to share. If you would like to play the ornament exchange game, also bring an ornament gift wrapped. All women of the Parish are welcome!
It’s time for a Holiday Fudge Sale! The funds raised will be used to help Atlanta Archdiocese Seminarians and other parish projects.
The Knights will be selling the following items after all Masses November 23-24 and December 14-15.
Click here for more information!
Mark your calendars for the Knights of Columbus Fish Fry on Friday, October 25 from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM!
Join us for a delicious fish dinner to support a worthy cause. Plates are $10 per person or $35 for a family of 4+. All proceeds will go to Bartow Family Resources, helping families in need within our community.
In addition to enjoying a great meal, we are also collecting diapers (sizes infant through toddler size 6) to further support the families served by Bartow Family Resources.
Date: Friday, October 25
Time: 5:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Cost: $10 per plate or $35 for families of 4+
Beneficiary: Bartow Family Resources
Donation Request: Diapers (sizes infant through toddler size 6)
Come out, enjoy a great meal, and help make a difference!
The altares for Día de los Muertos are elaborate displays created to honor deceased loved ones during Hollowtide. These altars typically include items such as photos, candles, marigolds, etc. We are encouraging all parishioners to bring in a framed photo of their deceased loved ones to add to our altares from October 27-November 2.
Today marks a crucial moment in our parish's journey towards growth and expansion. This weekend, is your final opportunity to participate in our Planning Study survey. Your input is invaluable as we make decisions about our new classroom building and future expansions. Click here to read more!
Last weekend, we announced our parish expansion plans and the importance of your input through our Planning Study survey. Today, we're taking a moment to ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate in shaping the future of our parish community! Click here to read this weekend's homily announcement.
Curated by Blessed Carlo Acutis, the Eucharistic Miracles of the World exhibition will be coming to St. Francis from Saturday, September 28th - Thursday, October 3rd. You will not want to miss this amazing exhibition curated by our first Millennial Saint! If you would like more information about the collection, view PDFs of the miracle displays, and more, visit www.stfac.org/carloacutis
The Young Families Ministry will meet on Friday, September 27 at 6pm for a Family Tailgate and Games. Wear your favorite sports team gear and bring your favorite tailgate food! Hot dogs and nachos will be provided!