Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion prayerfully serve the people of our church by distributing the Body and Blood of Christ during Eucharistic celebrations. Those called to this ministry will be a fully initiated Catholic, having celebrated the sacraments of Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Those who serve in this special ministry have, or soon acquire the grace in movement and reverence in touch. Reverence in touch is especially important for Eucharistic Ministers since their whole work involves taking in hand the vessels of the Body of Christ and of the Blood of Christ and sharing Jesus with everyone.
Sharing Jesus under the species of the Body and Blood with one another is a special gift for at that moment of communion between the minister and the communicant is so unique because it is both personal and much bigger than the two people.
To learn about becoming an EMHC, contact:
Dawn Evans at 574-612-0113, [email protected], or
Ron Mazur at 404-217-5522, [email protected]